After some thought I've decided that I'm going to include a tub of ice cream, a box of custard and a steak in the scene, just so that there isn't just one object for the rig to find.
Ice Cream
I drew a simple idea of what I had in my head as a base for my research.
I wanted a small tub with a rounded top and bottom. I thought this would be a good thing to add considering that 2 of the 4 objects are normal boxes.
Fish Finger Boxes
Again, Just a basic design of what I had an idea of and something to base what I'm looking for on.
There are very few designs for fish finger boxes so depending on time I will either design my own, or find an existing design (birdeye etc) and use that.
For the steak design I wanted to try and keep the cartoony "Loony Tunes" look about them. I've always found this design interesting and have wanted an excuse to use it in any way I could.
Although, depending on how I think this looks when it comes to modelling the objects I may opt for a more realistic looking one
Custard Box
A very simple design but since a custard box isn't something I see regularly I improvised with the packaging.
upon researching designs I found that there are only one or two proper designs for such a thing so I'm going look look for an old fashioned, subtle look for it.
A quick sketch of 3 of my objects.